Educational Therapy strives to support students as they develop tools for independent learning in the classroom and in life.  It is based on the key components of​ cognition, perception, emotion, academics.

The focus of individualized interventions is to strengthen the underlying causes of an individual's learning difficulties, rather than treating the symptoms as tutoring often does. Intervention is aimed just above a student’s current level of functioning and raises expectations for performance and provides the framework to foster that growth.

  • Direct Application
  • Guided Practice
  • Immediate Feedback
  • ​Self-Regulation

Each Individualized Program includes opportunities to develop Core Academic Skills & Thinking Abilities using  the following research-based practices: 

  • ​Interactive Language
  • Dynamic Intervention employing a variety of materials
  • ​Explicit & Intentional Intervention
  • Reasoning
  • Questioning

​​​Educational therapists...​​

  • ​Use specialized training in learning differences and strategies to remediate learner weaknesses:
  • ​​Recognize that emotional, behavioral and learning problems are often intertwined.
  • ​Attend to social and emotional need in addition to academics

FundaMentals of Mind, Educational Consulting, LLC

​6 Road End Lane; Richmond, VA 23238

