6 Road End Lane; Richmond, VA 23238
An Educational Therapist has extensive training and experience using intervention strategies specific to learning differences
A tutor's background does not necessarily include training in learning differences, specific syndromes, assessments, or appropriate interventions. Tutors are generally skilled in a specific subject matter.
An Educational Therapist conducts formal and informal assessments, utilizes specific, and when appropriate alternative teaching strategies.
A tutor typically provides individual assistance with homework of instruction in a specific subject matter.
While a tutor generally focuses on teaching a specific subject matter, an educational therapist's goal is broader.
Educational therapists focus not only on remediation, but also on building underlying learning skills to help clients become more self-aware, self-reliant, efficient learners.
FundaMentals of Mind, Educational Consulting, LLC.
An Educational Therapist sets goals and develops an intervention plan that addresses not only academic difficulties, but also psycho-educational and socio-emotional aspect of life-long learning through an eclectic combination of individualized intervention strategies. Referrals are made to specialist when needed.
A tutor's frequently focuses on improving grades and commonly uses traditional teaching methods to reach academic goals.